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Version vom 7. März 2024, 14:03 Uhr von Admin (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „export default { autoResize: true, height: '100%', width: '100%', locale: 'en', // locales: locales, clickToUse: false, configure: { enabled: false, filter: 'nodes,edges', // container: undefined, showButton: true, }, edges: { arrows: { to: { enabled: false, // imageHeight: undefined, // imageWidth: undefined, scaleFactor: 1, // src: undefined, type: 'arrow', }, middle: { enabled: false, imageHei…“)
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export default { autoResize: true, height: '100%', width: '100%', locale: 'en', // locales: locales, clickToUse: false, configure: { enabled: false, filter: 'nodes,edges', // container: undefined, showButton: true, }, edges: { arrows: { to: { enabled: false, // imageHeight: undefined, // imageWidth: undefined, scaleFactor: 1, // src: undefined, type: 'arrow', }, middle: { enabled: false, imageHeight: 32, imageWidth: 32, scaleFactor: 1, src: '', type: 'image', }, from: { enabled: false, // imageHeight: undefined, // imageWidth: undefined, scaleFactor: 1, // src: undefined, type: 'arrow', }, }, endPointOffset: { from: 0, to: 0, }, arrowStrikethrough: true, chosen: true, color: { color: '#848484', highlight: '#848484', hover: '#848484', inherit: 'from', opacity: 1.0, }, dashes: false, font: { color: '#343434', size: 14, // px face: 'arial', background: 'none', strokeWidth: 2, // px strokeColor: '#ffffff', align: 'horizontal', multi: false, vadjust: 0, bold: { color: '#343434', size: 14, // px face: 'arial', vadjust: 0, mod: 'bold', }, ital: { color: '#343434', size: 14, // px face: 'arial', vadjust: 0, mod: 'italic', }, boldital: { color: '#343434', size: 14, // px face: 'arial', vadjust: 0, mod: 'bold italic', }, mono: { color: '#343434', size: 15, // px face: 'courier new', vadjust: 2, mod: , }, }, hidden: false, hoverWidth: 1.5, label: undefined, labelHighlightBold: true, length: undefined, physics: true, scaling: { min: 1, max: 15, label: { enabled: true, min: 14, max: 30, maxVisible: 30, drawThreshold: 5, }, customScalingFunction: function (min, max, total, value) { if (max === min) { return 0.5; } else { var scale = 1 / (max - min); return Math.max(0, (value - min) * scale); } }, }, selectionWidth: 1, selfReferenceSize: 20, selfReference: { size: 20, angle: Math.PI / 4, renderBehindTheNode: true, }, shadow: { enabled: false, color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)', size: 10, x: 5, y: 5, }, smooth: { enabled: true, type: 'dynamic', roundness: 0.5, }, title: undefined, value: undefined, width: 1, widthConstraint: false, },

nodes: { borderWidth: 1, borderWidthSelected: 2, brokenImage: undefined, chosen: true, color: { border: '#2B7CE9', background: '#97C2FC', highlight: { border: '#2B7CE9', background: '#D2E5FF', }, hover: { border: '#2B7CE9', background: '#D2E5FF', }, }, opacity: 1, fixed: { x: false, y: false, }, font: { color: '#343434', size: 14, // px face: 'arial', background: 'none', strokeWidth: 0, // px strokeColor: '#ffffff', align: 'center', multi: false, vadjust: 0, bold: { color: '#343434', size: 14, // px face: 'arial', vadjust: 0, mod: 'bold', }, ital: { color: '#343434', size: 14, // px face: 'arial', vadjust: 0, mod: 'italic', }, boldital: { color: '#343434', size: 14, // px face: 'arial', vadjust: 0, mod: 'bold italic', }, mono: { color: '#343434', size: 15, // px face: 'courier new', vadjust: 2, mod: , }, }, group: undefined, heightConstraint: false, hidden: false, icon: { face: 'FontAwesome', // code: undefined, // weight: undefined, size: 50, //50, color: '#2B7CE9', }, // image: undefined, imagePadding: { left: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0, }, label: undefined, labelHighlightBold: true, level: undefined, mass: 1, physics: true, scaling: { min: 10, max: 30, label: { enabled: false, min: 14, max: 30, maxVisible: 30, drawThreshold: 5, }, customScalingFunction: function (min, max, total, value) { if (max === min) { return 0.5; } else { var scale = 1 / (max - min); return Math.max(0, (value - min) * scale); } }, }, shadow: { enabled: false, color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)', size: 10, x: 5, y: 5, }, shape: 'ellipse', shapeProperties: { borderDashes: false, // only for borders borderRadius: 6, // only for box shape interpolation: false, // only for image and circularImage shapes useImageSize: false, // only for image and circularImage shapes useBorderWithImage: false, // only for image shape coordinateOrigin: 'center', // only for image and circularImage shapes }, size: 25, title: undefined, value: undefined, widthConstraint: false, // x: undefined, // y: undefined, }, groups: { useDefaultGroups: true, myGroupId: { /*node options*/ }, }, layout: { randomSeed: undefined, improvedLayout: true, clusterThreshold: 150, hierarchical: { enabled: false, levelSeparation: 150, nodeSpacing: 100, treeSpacing: 200, blockShifting: true, edgeMinimization: true, parentCentralization: true, direction: 'UD', // UD, DU, LR, RL sortMethod: 'hubsize', // hubsize, directed shakeTowards: 'leaves', // roots, leaves }, }, interaction: { dragNodes: true, dragView: true, hideEdgesOnDrag: false, hideEdgesOnZoom: false, hideNodesOnDrag: false, hover: false, hoverConnectedEdges: true, keyboard: { enabled: false, speed: { x: 10, y: 10, zoom: 0.02 }, bindToWindow: true, autoFocus: true, }, multiselect: false, navigationButtons: false, selectable: true, selectConnectedEdges: true, tooltipDelay: 300, zoomSpeed: 1, zoomView: true, }, manipulation: { enabled: false, initiallyActive: false, addNode: true, addEdge: true, // editNode: undefined, editEdge: true, deleteNode: true, deleteEdge: true, controlNodeStyle: { // all node options are valid. }, }, physics: { enabled: true, barnesHut: { theta: 0.5, gravitationalConstant: -2000, centralGravity: 0.3, springLength: 95, springConstant: 0.04, damping: 0.09, avoidOverlap: 0, }, forceAtlas2Based: { theta: 0.5, gravitationalConstant: -50, centralGravity: 0.01, springConstant: 0.08, springLength: 100, damping: 0.4, avoidOverlap: 0, }, repulsion: { centralGravity: 0.2, springLength: 200, springConstant: 0.05, nodeDistance: 100, damping: 0.09, }, hierarchicalRepulsion: { centralGravity: 0.0, springLength: 100, springConstant: 0.01, nodeDistance: 120, damping: 0.09, avoidOverlap: 0, }, maxVelocity: 50, minVelocity: 0.1, solver: 'barnesHut', stabilization: { enabled: true, iterations: 1000, updateInterval: 100, onlyDynamicEdges: false, fit: true, }, timestep: 0.5, adaptiveTimestep: true, wind: { x: 0, y: 0 }, }, };